Natural pond

A pond is a great way to help the biodiversity of any woodland, even ones that are in their earliest stages of development like ours. We did not think about what shape our pond was going to be like, but instead let the land show us where the best spot and shape for the pond was. We initially had thought of 2 ponds, but now that we have one larger one it feels like it has been there forever.

Our contractor made sure that the sides are gentle sloping so that there are enough shallow places for any insects, vertebrates and others to make it their home. Hopefully we will see Natterjack Toads making this their spawning area in the near future.

There is a constant flow of water coming not only from the rainfall - which we have had plenty off - but also from the run off from the land surrounding it. To make sure that it not just becomes a swampy place we have a run off into our drain that will carry the water out to sea.


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